Trophies, plaques, and certificates are awarded to the high-scoring participants in the contest. In some cases, such as the Texas Club Aggregate Award, there is only one top scorer, so there is only one trophy. For the mobile and fixed station participants, awards are made to the top three scoring stations in each category.

Some of these awards are sponsored by clubs and individuals. If you would like to sponsor an award, please contact the contest administrator for details.

Awards for these 4 fixed operation categories will be given for both Texas and Non-Texas Stations.

  •  SO – Single Operator - (no contest power limits)
  •  MO - Multi Operators - (no contest power limits)
  •  QRP SO - QRP Single Operator - (10 watts or less phone and 5 watts or less CW and other modes)
  •  CWO SO – CW Only Single Operator - (no contest power limits)

This award goes to the Texas club with the highest total score from the sum of all score sheets submitted across all categories. The club name and call sign must be identified on each of the individual Texas QSO Party logs included in the count.

Awards for these three mobile operation categories will be given for mobile stations operating in Texas counties.

  •  TXM SO – Texas Mobile Single Operator - single operator - may be assisted* - (no contest power limits)
  •  TXM MO – Texas Mobile Operators - (no contest power limits)
  • TXM CWO SO - Texas Mobile CW Only Single Operator - may be assisted* - (no contest power limits)

*The assistant may make log entries or operate the vehicle, but may not make the contacts.

TDXS sponsors the trophies, plaques, and certificates that are awarded to the highest scoring participants in the contest. In some cases, such as the Texas Club Aggregate Award, there is only one top scorer, so there is only one trophy. For the mobile and fixed station participants, awards are made to the top three scoring stations in each category.

Please contact the TQP Committee if you would like to sponsor a trophy or plaque. Your name will be listed below and on the trophy or plaque if you elect to do so.
